5 Highlights of the Otavalo market day tour

Laura Bravo

5 Highlights of the Otavalo market day tour

Ecuador is a land of amazing natural beauty and a thriving cultural heritage. The Otavalo Market Day Tour is one of the best ways to learn about this vibrant culture. This all-day excursion offers you a variety of activities, including the wonders of the equator as well as local food, stunning views, and lively markets. Let's dive into the five highlights of this remarkable journey.


Our journey on the Otavalo Market Day Tour takes us to the Cayambe bizcochos factory, where the aroma of freshly baked Ecuadorian biscuits fills the air. These delicious treats are a treasured part of Ecuadorian cuisine, known for their unique flavors and crispy texture.

As you watch professional artisans at work, you'll discover everything there is to know about the craft of biscuit making. Then, of course, you're able to taste these delightful bizcochos with cheese and caramel for yourself.


The Mirador "Mira Lago" viewpoint, which offers a beautiful panoramic view of the surroundings, will come into view as the trip goes on. The majestic Cayambe and Cotopaxi volcanoes, the Guayllabamba Valley, the old village of Tabacundo, and lovely flower farms can all be seen from this vantage point. This stop is a visual treat and a great chance to take pictures.


The iconic Otavalo Market itself is the focus of the Otavalo Market Day Tour. For its vibrant colors, traditional crafts, and authentic Ecuadorian fabrics, this lively indigenous market is well-known throughout the world. Here, you'll have the opportunity to fully experience local culture by bargaining with craftspeople and buying one-of-a-kind souvenirs, clothing, jewelry, and more. With the sounds of native music and the fragrances of traditional Ecuadorian food, the market is a sensory feast.


Cotacachi, commonly referred to as the "Leather Town" of Ecuador, is where we stop next. Here, you'll get the chance to stroll through the charming alleyways and browse the artisan stores that focus on creating high-quality leather goods. The craftsmanship on display, which ranges from elegant leather purses to chic belts, is evidence of Ecuador's commitment to traditional artisanal skills.


As our journey comes to an end, we find ourselves at the shores of Cuicocha Lake, nestled within a volcanic crater in the Andes.An incredible view is created by the emerald-green waters and the presence of two islands in the middle. Take a stroll along the lakeshore, soak in the tranquility, and make memories of the beauty of this natural haven. It's a fitting end to a day spent in the heart of Ecuador's incredible natural beauty and cultural discovery.